Lower Your Cost-Per-Print with HP Bulk Ink
Posted by on Jun 04, 2019
HP C6119A – otherwise known as HP 4500 Black Bulk Ink Supply – was the first bulk ink product released by Hewlett Packard. It is widely regarded as the best ink for porous surfaces including corrugated packaging cases and paper envelopes used in mail addressing.
HP C6119A is a gravity fed solution. Simply mount the 370ml resevoir of ink 4-inches below the height of the printhead for best results. Including the 40ml cartridge itself, users get more than 400ml of ink for one small price. That’s 10 times more ink than a disposable cartridge. Depending on pricing the end customer is likely to reduce her/his print costs by more than 60%.
When you use HP C6119A for packaging and mail addressing applications, you can expect sharp, crisp print quality with minimal intervention, on primarily uncoated substrates.
- High-quality, sharp, crisp output
- Excellent barcode readability
- Fade and water resistance on a variety of substrate
Contact Ink Pronto today to get a special price on HP C6119A.